Our hearts know it, because we have seen it, experienced glimpses of what life and the world could be. Yet as individuals and a society, we carry habits and programs of the old and dying “Story of Separation.” We cannot easily know how to get from here to there; often, we doubt what we have seen.
This retreat is a deprogramming from the old story and an immersion in a new (and ancient) story. It crystallizes a next step toward the world we know is possible. It engages a great power within you, and it will inspire a hope that comprehends the full situation on this planet.
More Information:
See Omega website for details: https://www.eomega.org/workshops/the-more-beautiful-world-our-hearts-know-is-possible
Note on special arrangements, from Omega’s website: There is no tuition for this workshop. Participants are required to stay on campus. At the end of the workshop, participants choose a self-determined tuition amount that reflects their feeling of value, gratitude, and desire to support Charles Eisenstein and his ongoing work.