The world is in a time of transition in its stories, in the deep mythology that runs our civilization. And many of us personally are in such a transition as well. Often, it is a crisis that initiates this transition, a breakdown in a core part of life: work, health, or relationship. For some, the breakdown happens in every area simultaneously: an initiation into a new phase of life.
In this transition, the old story of who we are, what is normal, what is possible, what is real, and how to live life falls apart, as we prepare to step into a new story of greater wholeness, love, freedom, and connection.
Before that happens though, most of us must pass through a special phase: “the space between stories.” The old answers no longer work, and the new answers haven’t emerged yet. Who am I? Why am I here? How do I navigate life? The ground has shifted beneath us.
This is a sacred time, though our culture gives it little breathing space as it seeks to corral us back into the old story. Sometimes, it is an abyss, dark, lonely, and seemingly endless. Other times we find a ground beyond story, a security entirely independent of predictability or control, and we are filled with light and serenity. We may experience amazing synchronicities that defy what we were told about how reality works. Sometimes we may cling to the sinking fragments of our old story, trying in our panic to climb back onto it; sometimes we have an experience that foretells a new story, a promise of the life that awaits. All of this and more is quite normal, in the space between stories.
This retreat is designed to provide the validation and support that our culture withholds to those going through this special time. Please consider joining us if you…
(1) Are navigating the space between stories right now. (2) Recognize you are still in an old story that is no longer able to hold you, and you perceive that it is coming to an end. (3) Are recently emerged into a new story but still uncertain there, and the space between stories is still fresh in your mind. (4) You feel an unreasonable Yes toward this retreat!
The retreat will be held at the beautiful Highland Cove Lake sanctuary south of Asheville, NC., April 7-10, 2016. It will be run at a slow pace containing its own empty spaces for digestion of the more intense group work and partner work. This includes meditation, dialog, discussion, and unique focused processes created by Charles, as well as evening movement sessions led by the wonderful Sufi dance teachers Arif and Amina.
Participation will be limited to 30 people in order to create a space of trust, in which everyone knows each others’ names and faces, and in which everyone can be seen and heard.
Cost of the retreat is as follows:
Room and meals: $260/person for single dorm room; $150/person for camping; Cabins (2 people minimum. Sleeps up to 4): $250/person.
Full program fee: $500 Half-scholarship: $250
It is up to you to choose the most appropriate option. Full scholarships are also available although you will still need to pay for room/camping costs and meals.
Please contact Marie if you need more information: marie@sacred-economics.com
Application process: Due to huge initial response, we applied a divinatory process to choose our group.