Internationally renowned speakers and peace activists, Native American women and musicians, local food, nature, inspiration, education, drumming, dancing, connecting, protecting. loving, peace, community
These are all features of the first annual Earth Love festival at Amethyst Retreat Center.
Come and fall in love with the land, the region, and the earth. Our first event is an ode to the water that sustains us.
Be inspired:
Pat McCabe. A Dine’ (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, international speaker and voice for global peace. http://womanstandsshining.strikingly.com
Charles Eisenstein speaker and author of Ascent of Humanity, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics and The Yoga of Eating.
https://charleseisenstein.org/ public
Michael Wann. A researcher and storyteller who shares the near-unbelievable story of how the Susquehanna River has been used to usher in the Age of Aquarius.
Be moved:
Lyla June. A singer, songwriter, and musician who is also a poet, activist, educator event organizer and scholar.
Indian Summer Jars. Creates a sound that is unique and upbeat, dynamic and bold and sure to stir your soul.
Bumbada! Women’s Drum Group led by Tammi Hessen. Drummer, musician, teacher, and founder. A fire and drum circle will be led Saturday evening
Be nourished:
Dinner will be mindfully and lovingly prepared by Chef Karmen Kline using local and regional foods
Breakfast will feature seasonal fruit and accompaniments from our local farmers, bakers, and cheese makers.
Be blessed:
Bhante Soma of Blue Lotus Buddist Temple will hold a Sunday morning peace meditation.
Be touched:
A Healing Village with the area’s finest body workers and spirit guides will be available by donation
This may be the best local festival of the season!
Don’t miss out.
Festival Admission, Meals and Optional Camping:
$75 Festival Admission per adult (18 and over)
$50 Festival Admission Student
$5 Festival Admission for kids (Under 18)
Optional Camping including Breakfast is FREE, However, you must email amethystretreatcenter@gmail.com to reserve your camping spot.
Meals included:
Dinner Saturday evening and breakfast Sunday Morning
What to bring:
A blanket, yoga mat or chair to sit on.
A refillable water bottle
A dinner plate and utensils; we are striving to create as little waste as possible.
Sunblock and insect repellent
If you plan to spend the night:
Camping supplies-tent, rain-cover, sleeping bag, flashlight.
A drum or other instrument.
Meals included:
Dinner Saturday evening and breakfast Sunday Morning