From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and the elite. Each holds a piece of a next story for civilization. We hope by spreading their voices to help anchor this story into reality, to remind you that you are not crazy, and to expand our thoughts, perceptions, and choices into new territory.

Swaady Martin: Fugitivity to Interconnection (E61)
Charles Eisenstein · Swaady Martin: Fugitivity to Interconnection (E61) Swaady Martin is the daughter of a militant Black Panther who fled toAfrica. She grew up ...

CJ Hopkins: The New Totalitarianism (E60)
Playwright, satirist, and political commentator CJ Hopkins, creator of the website Consent Factory, joins me for a conversation on totalitarianism, safety, and the ideology of ...

Nathan Riley: Birth and Death (E59)
Nathan Riley is a medical doctor trained in OB/GYN and palliative care. In this episode, birth and death, we talk about the role of medicine ...

Daniel Raphael: The Wizard’s Path (E58)
People call Daniel Raphael a "wizard," for reasons that may become apparent in this interview. He weaves an inspiring life story with his work with ...

Anna Breytenbach: Interspecies Communication (E57)
Anna Breytenbach is one of the world's best known interspecies communicators, subject of the film The Animal Communicator ( In this conversation we touch ...

Devorah Brous: Burnout and Renewal (E56)
Here I speak with a woman who, in her younger days, put 110% of her time and life energy into a cause, in this case, ...

Yolanda Charles: Trusting Life (E55)
British bass guitarist Yolanda Charles carries some powerful stories about trust, luck, mentorship, motherhood, and music. She shares some of them in our far-reaching conversation ...

Thomas Hübl: Healing Trauma (E54)
In this conversation with renowned teacher Thomas Hubl, we explore trauma a fundamental way to understand the world today. Bridging scientific and spiritual perspectives on ...