I will be giving the following talk on Saturday at the upcoming Institute of Noetic Sciences 2019 International Conference.
Eco-healing: A Lovers’ Reunion
Today’s ecological crisis can be understood as the inevitable terminus of an age-old story of separation. Just as the extreme of yang gives birth to yin, so it is that the most iconic achievement of civilization – space travel – was a watershed moment in the recovery of ecological consciousness. This lecture will weave this thread into the tapestry of a new story, and a new-and-ancient relationship to Earth, that poses humanity with an initiatory choice today.
From the presenters:
“We will be gathering on the 50th anniversary of the first moonwalk, to explore what is possible for humanity when we bring science, spirituality, and social change together to vision and co-create a thriving future. Hear the latest science in consciousness and extraordinary human capacities, engage with innovative technology and healing arts, and connect with a passionate global community. Four days of mind expanding science, heart-opening experience, and deep transformation.”
Some other presenters this year include:
Deepak Chopra: world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation
Ervin Laszlo: Philosopher, author, and Nobel Prize Nominee
Dan Siegel: Founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA
Shamani Jane: President and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)
John a. Powell: Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley
Dean Radin: IONS Chief Scientist, author, and distinguished professor
Pat McCabe: Writer, Artists, and Speaker on Indigenous Ways of Knowing/Science for Thriving Life
Rupert Sheldrake: Biologist and renowned author
Cassandra Vieten: IONS President, mind-body medicine researcher, and author
Full Schedule: https://noetic.org/conference/dates-schedule/
Registration: www.noetic.org/conference