In this seminar with author Charles Eisenstein, we will explore the book’s key arguments for how the current money system came to be through practices of accumulation, property, usury, and enclosure of the commons. We will then define the guiding values and policies we will need to to transition to a new economic system, including negative-interest currencies, local currencies, gift economics, degrowth, and the restoration of the commons. In light of the book’s re-release, we will reflect on how the events of the last decade have catalyzed both the urgency and possibility for some of these proposed transformations. Finally, we will consider the personal dimensions of this transition for those concerned with “right livelihood” and how to live according to their ideals in a world seemingly ruled by money.
- Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society at the Age of Transition (Revised Edition, 2021), chapters 1, 6, 17
- 2011 copy available online at
- Recommended Additional Chapters: 4, 5, 20, 21.
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