Here is a conversation with a group gathered for Charles’ birthday at “Seppi’s Place,” which is kind of a new story waystation for people, especially young people, to develop in ways that society’s institutions don’t support. We envision a network of such places developing around the country and around the world; permaculture centers, coworking spaces, social enterprise incubators, places of healing, art, and music… places to start walking a different path.
From This Episode:
“I like having music in my space. Recorded music just doesn’t do it, because recorded music isn’t sensitive to the tone of the room. It’s not sensitive to my mood. It’s not sensitive to the energy. There’s just no substitute for live music.” – Charles Eisenstein
Offering a gift-based co-working space, Seppi’s Place intends to be a central hub for the local community to bring ideas, skills and personalities together. Find out more on Seppi’s website.