From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and the elite. Each holds a piece of a next story for civilization. We hope by spreading their voices to help anchor this story into reality, to remind you that you are not crazy, and to expand our thoughts, perceptions, and choices into new territory.

Galina Angarova: Cultural Survival (E53)
Galina Angaraova is an indigenous rights activists and the Executive Director of the nonprofit Cultural Survival. Her stories from her native indigenous village in Siberia ...

Fritzi Horstman: Step Inside the Circle (E52)
We recommend you watch the video below first, before listening to this episode. Welcome to this moving conversation with prison activist and filmmaker Fritzi Horstman, ...

Mellody Hayes: Roots of Healing (E51)
This was a delightful conversation. We hadn't intended to talk about race, but I'm glad we did, because Mellody shared some unique, unorthodox insights worthy ...

Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan: A Trillion Points of Light (E50)
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan has an unusual background -- studied mathematics at Harvard, became a Doctor of Oriental Medicine... Actually, nothing I could say about ...

Dr. Zach Bush: Life is a Community (E49)
In this podcast I talk with Zach Bush, MD, a doctor with a background in endocrinology who "went holistic" and turned toward gut/brain health, the ...

Alnoor Ladha: Oppression, Interconnection, Healing (E48)
This rich dialog treats the evolution of activism beyond us-versus-them thinking, with special reference to current events around race, the indigenous, and the Amazon rainforest ...

Vivian Dittmar: Befriending Fear (E47)
Vivian Dittmar is a teacher, speaker, and writer, author of the book The Power of Feelings. In this conversation we talk about the collective global ...

Farmer Rishi: The Gift Circle of Life (E46)
Rishi Kumar, a former software engineer, is a gardening evangelist who uses gardening for personal, social, and ecological healing. We talk a lot about regeneration: ...