Dietary Transformation from the Inside Out
Access a powerful sense of inner authority and self-trust. In food and diet…and beyond.
Course Content
Session Five: The Symphony of Vibrations
What does it mean to say “a state of diet is a state of being”? Why do we create conditions that reduce our levels of joy and vitality, and how can we change that?
Here we are, in the last of our five sessions together. And though we are nearing the end of this particular conversation, I hope you find yourself at the beginning of a whole new journey. Feel free to continue participating in the Facebook group and exploring the “related topics.”
I chose the metaphor of a symphony in this session very intentionally. Because there is a beautiful, interweaving of melodies and harmonies in a body and a life that we become aware of as we follow the path of trust we have explored.
If you follow this path, then be prepared for changes that go beyond diet. Diet can be a path of transformation, if it corresponds to the next movement in your symphony; i.e. if it corresponds to who are becoming. You cannot force a change that is not ready to happen. But by now you have perhaps realized that a change IS ready to happen. Maybe it is already happening.
I hope you will continue to share your experience with other participants as well as in your personal circle. I believe that personal growth is usually a group activity, a collective emergence, and not something that can be taught by an authority. Your access to all this material and to the group remains in place indefinitely, so that you may reengage any time it serves you.
The learning journey sessions are offered in two parts, both of which are equally important. Please be sure listen to and/or download both:
Part One: Conceptual Discussion
Part Two: Meditation & Practice
Transcript Notes Session 5: The Symphony of Vibrations
Session “Assignment”
Your homework this time is to develop your capacity to stay in a heightened state of joy and vitality. You will do that by trusting these feelings and allowing then, rather than by trying to prolong them.
When you feel good–even a little bit good–linger in the moment. Touch into a feeling of gratitude that this gift has come to you. And then ask, “What in my life needs to change so I can accommodate this feeling?”
It might be that dietary choices that support it. Or it might be something else. Perhaps it is something big…in an area of life like work or family or relationship..that seems too big to change. That’s okay. Your job here is just to give it attention. Not to judge it or be intimidated by it. Just to give it attention.
Do this for a moment whenever you are feeling good. Even if it is an artificial high, still do it! Take a pause and allow yourself to be with the feeling.
And every time it happens, relax into it. Trust it, and think, “It’s okay if I don’t grasp it. I don’t need to try to prolong it. It will stay as long as it needs to. It will come back when it’s time.”
This small practice, repeated as often as you can with intention, will accelerate the opening of the channels that allow you to hold higher degrees of joy, pleasure, and vitality. Naturally, your diet will shift into alignment with that. And perhaps over time, other areas of your life too.
Optional NAAS Subscription
This course has run as a DIY course, and you are welcome to do it that way. However, for many people it is more powerful to work the material with a group. My business partner and former wife Patsy and I host a network community called A New and Ancient Story (short for NAAS). It is an online network dedicated to reverence in communication. If you would like to participate in it in conjunction with this course, go to the community landing page and read the introduction and posting guidelines. If you feel resonant, you can join through additional subscription. Once you are a member, you will find archives of discussions on course forums on the left menu as well as participating in many features NAAS offers