Conversations with Orland Bishop
Course One: The Potential of the Earth
Course Content
Unit 1: A Hope Space in Consciousness
In this first session, Orland identifies key factors in the evolution of human consciousness. One crucial takeaway is that this evolution is not something accomplished by human consciousness alone. It comes through the learnings of those who have come before us, transmitted to us through mundane and mysterious means. It comes through earth forces that operate through the blood. It comes through our influence on each other, mediated by the organ of the heart that transmutes these ancestral and elemental energies and spreads them to others.
Session Videos

Some of the unique cloud formations that appeared on January 1, 2020, described by Orland Bishop.
Study Notes
At the present moment, many indications point to civil war in the United States, or at least to serious civil conflict. Could it be that, as Orland says, the soul forces of those who died in such conflicts, or whose lives were scarred by them, will contribute to peace? How can we expand our openness to those influences? That is how we can avoid repeating our inheritance so that we can participate in creation as a conscious act.
That question, “How can we expand our openness to those influences?” does not have the kind of answer the rational mind expects. The question itself opens, because to ask it feeds the part of oneself that is willing to grow in this way. Knowing these forces are operating helps them to operate. There is a paradox here. The work of consciousness evolution is to recognize that one is receiving the work, not performing it. And, given our present state, that is a lot of work! The application of will is toward remembering to feel the miracle of what is being given to us from beyond our contrivance. The resulting gratitude opens the receptive channel.
Much follows from that opening: thoughts, words, and actions. Courage does not come from will. It comes from what we have received.
Discussion/Practice Suggestion
Listen to Orland’s clips in segments 3 and 4 multiple times, with attention to your willingness to receive and your gratitude for the gift. What arises in you? What follows from it?
Optional NAAS Subscription
This course has run as a DIY course, and you are welcome to do it that way. However, for many people it is more powerful to work the material with a group. My business partner and former wife Patsy and I host a network community called A New and Ancient Story (short for NAAS). It is an online network dedicated to reverence in communication. If you would like to participate in it in conjunction with this course, go to the community landing page and read the introduction and posting guidelines. If you feel resonant, you can join through additional subscription. Once you are a member, you will find archives of discussions on course forums on the left menu as well as participating in many features NAAS offers