Climate — Inside and Out A multimedia journey to authentic hope. A transformed relationship to a living Earth. Course Content PreliminariesSessionDonation Adjustment Preliminaries Already registered? Click here to go directly to the course. Registration OptionsYou are free to choose any amount that feels good, right, and fair to you, that reflects your financial means and your desire to support Charles and team in this work as they write, film, edit, produce, code, and develop this and other courses. At any amount or none, you have our full welcome, full access to all materials, and no judgement. 🙂Climate Series(Required) Register with a donation. Register without a donation. Does this bring up any thoughts or feelings you would like to share? Is there anything you'd like to tell us about your choice of registration options? Registration Questions Please answer these questions honestly and thoughtfully: Question #1: What do you hope to get from this series?(Required)Question #2: If you dared hope for a little more, what would that be?(Required)Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Climate Series Donation(Required)Choose an amount that feels good, clear, and right. Donation Method(Required) Credit Card PayPal Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name After pressing register, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete this transaction.Total HiddenCourse