Conversations with Orland Bishop
Course Two: Love Made Visible
Course Content
Unit 4: Love and the Agreement Field
Topics in this unit: Love as attractor, oracles, the city, Los Angeles, three categories of agreement, Eros, Philos, and Agape. What is your agreement with your life?
Study Notes
Eros encompasses that which arouses the spirit and feeds the life force. It is the love of life, that wants always to become more alive and create more life. Agreements around it are about holding that principle sacred, serving life of the body.
It is not immediately obvious how the second, Philos (Orland uses the form “Philippe”), translates into and agreement of will. Orland explains that it has to do with the superconscious choice of our family and circumstances, of our connections. It is a taking of responsibility for our choices, and the recognition of a purpose and an intelligence to the conditions of our lives.
Agape is usually understood to be universal, altruistic love. Orland relates it to the recognition that you, as well as I, have a purpose, will, and life force, and that mine and yours are fundamentally connected. One cannot be fulfilled by blocking the other. The agreements framed by Agape recognize this principle.
Discussion/Practice Suggestion
To work with these, perhaps we can attempt to translate these three agreement principles into specific agreements for our own lives. What is your agreement with life, with your will, and with the world? What unconscious agreements may you have carried that do not have the quality of love? What would a new agreement look like that were more faithful to Eros, Philos, and Agape? Actually make a little list – the work of formulating it is already a significant step. The point is not to make it a promise to yourself. It is stir the agreement to life, so that you will recognize the moment you are ready to enter it.
Optional NAAS Subscription
This course has run as a DIY course, and you are welcome to do it that way. However, for many people it is more powerful to work the material with a group. My business partner and former wife Patsy and I host a network community called A New and Ancient Story (short for NAAS). It is an online network dedicated to reverence in communication. If you would like to participate in it in conjunction with this course, go to the community landing page and read the introduction and posting guidelines. If you feel resonant, you can join through additional subscription. Once you are a member, you will find archives of discussions on course forums on the left menu as well as participating in many features NAAS offers