Masculinity: A New Story
The old patriarchal conception of masculinity is disintegrating before our eyes.
This is a good thing, but what is the next step?
Course Content
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Some people tell me, “Charles, this course is as good as anything out there, easily worth several hundred dollars.” Others say, “If you really want to make it as accessible as possible, you should offer it for free.”
The problem with offering it for free is that people don’t see it as valuable. They’ll sometimes come in with low expectations and low commitment. Furthermore, I want to honor the months that I and the small team that works with me have put into making this course the best we possibly can.
The solution is to let YOU choose the course fee. You can choose an amount that feels right to you given:
- Your financial means
- Your anticipation of value
- Similar courses on the market
- What represents a gesture of commitment
- Your desire to support our continued work
If your financial means are limited, then you can choose a token amount or even zero. That makes the course accessible to everyone.
In case you feel uncomfortable about paying zero, I want you to know that we hold no negative judgment about that. We welcome everyone regardless of ability to pay. Regardless of the amount you choose, you will have the same privileges and access to content as everyone else. We are not trying to draw you in to upsell you into a “premium program.” This IS the premium program!
I remember what it was like, back in my late 30s, when I was broke and just couldn’t participate in things like this that cost a couple hundred dollars. I remember the feeling of injustice, and the cynical judgment that these teachers care more about the money than the teaching. If you are in that boat now, please understand that you are sincerely welcome to join us.
What is the right amount for you? I suggest something that represents a commitment to fully engaging this course. Or you might have an amount in mind that, perhaps inexplicably, feels right to you: fair, clean, and honest.
If later on you discover that you paid too much or too little, you can adjust it at any time, to an amount that it is commensurate with your feeling of gratitude (or disappointment), and desire to support us to make more learning journeys in the future.